Proteins (0)
No Proteins related with the current condition were found.
MiRNAs (0)
No Mi-RNAs related with the current condition were found.
Microorganisms (14)
Type | TaxID_NCBI | Microorganism | Sample type | Condition | PubMed ID |
1654 | Actinomyces actinomycetemcomitans | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
194 | Campylobacter Cluster I | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
194 | Campylobacter concisus | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
194 | Campylobacter rectus | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
194 | Campylobacter showae | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
1016 | Capnocytophaga granulosa | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
676892 | Gemella morbillorum | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
33033 | Parvimonas micra | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
836 | Porphyromonas endodontalis | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 | |
29389 | Streptococcus anginosis | Subgengival plaque | Papillon-Lefevre Disease | 22141356 |