Proteins (491)

Type UniProtKBAC Name Gene Name Fold Change Sample Type Organism Condition Biomarker PubMed ID
P19957Elafin (Elastase-specific inhibitor) (ESI) (Peptidase inhibiPI3Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P20061Transcobalamin-1 (TC-1) (Haptocorrin) (HC) (Protein R) (TranTCN1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P20160Azurocidin (Cationic antimicrobial protein CAP37) (Heparin-bAZU1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P20618Proteasome subunit beta type-1 (EC (Macropain subuPSMB1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P20700Lamin-B1LMNB1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P20933N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase (EC SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P21128Poly(U)-specific endoribonuclease (EC 3.1.-.-) (Placental prENDOUWhole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P22061Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase (PIMPCMT1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P22314Ubiquitin-like modifier-activating enzyme 1 (EC (PUBA1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452
P22626Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1 (hnRNP A2/B1)HNRNPA2B1Whole SalivaHomo sapiens (Human)Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2FALSE19118452

MiRNAs (0)

No Mi-RNAs related with the current condition were found.

Microorganisms (0)

No Microorganisms related with the current condition were found.