| hsa-miR-520d-5p-4395504 | hsa-miR-520d-5p-4395504 | 257379 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-520g-4373257 | hsa-miR-520g-4373257 | 257380 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-522-4395524 | hsa-miR-522-4395524 | 257381 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-523-4395497 | hsa-miR-523-4395497 | 257382 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-524-5p-4395174 | hsa-miR-524-5p-4395174 | 257383 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-525-3p-4395496 | hsa-miR-525-3p-4395496 | 257384 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-525-5p-4378088 | hsa-miR-525-5p-4378088 | 257385 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-526b-4395493 | hsa-miR-526b-4395493 | 257386 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-541-4395312 | hsa-miR-541-4395312 | 257387 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |
| hsa-miR-542-3p-4378101 | hsa-miR-542-3p-4378101 | 257388 | Homo sapiens (Human) | Serum | Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease | Diagnosis | qRT-PCR | 22087245 |