Proteins (0)
No Proteins related with the current condition were found.
MiRNAs (0)
No Mi-RNAs related with the current condition were found.
Microorganisms (543)
Type | TaxID_NCBI | Microorganism | Sample type | Condition | PubMed ID |
186804 | Peptostreptococcaceae [x-1][G-2] | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
341694 | Peptostreptococcus stomatis | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
186804 | Peptostreptococcaceae [XIII][G-1] sp. | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
28124 | Porphyromonas endodontalis | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
837 | Porphyromonas gingivalis | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
113287 | Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
970 | Selenomonas sputigena | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
1306 | Streptococcus sp. | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
76860 | Streptococcus constellatus | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 | |
2753 | Synergistes [G-3] sp. | Subgengival plaque | Periodontitis | 23303375 |