Proteins (0)
No Proteins related with the current condition were found.
MiRNAs (0)
No Mi-RNAs related with the current condition were found.
Microorganisms (223)
Type | TaxID_NCBI | Microorganism | Sample type | Condition | PubMed ID |
244127 | Anaerotruncus | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
109326 | Anaerovorax | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
92793 | Aquabacterium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
1663 | Arthrobacter | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
2152 | Asteroleplasma | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
76890 | Asticcacaulis | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
1380 | Atopobium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
29564 | Bacillus | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
816 | Bacteroides | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
397864 | Barnesiella | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 |