Proteins (0)
No Proteins related with the current condition were found.
MiRNAs (0)
No Mi-RNAs related with the current condition were found.
Microorganisms (223)
Type | TaxID_NCBI | Microorganism | Sample type | Condition | PubMed ID |
32008 | Burkholderia | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
580596 | Butyricicoccus | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
574697 | Butyricimonas | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
830 | Butyrivibrio | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
194 | Campylobacter | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
1016 | Capnocytophaga | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
2717 | Cardiobacterium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
135858 | Catenibacterium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
43996 | Catonella | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
75 | Caulobacter | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 |