Proteins (0)
No Proteins related with the current condition were found.
MiRNAs (0)
No Mi-RNAs related with the current condition were found.
Microorganisms (223)
Type | TaxID_NCBI | Microorganism | Sample type | Condition | PubMed ID |
82202 | Centipeda | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
544 | Citrobacter | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
501783 | Cloacibacterium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
1470356 | Clostridium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
102106 | Collinsella | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
283 | Comamonas | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
100883 | Coprobacillus | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
33042 | Coprococcus | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
1716 | Corynebacterium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 | |
84162 | Cryptobacterium | Tongue | Periapical Abscess | 22839737 |